Thursday, February 11, 2010


Went to immigration office this morning trying to extend my work permit, but in vain. Have to leave this country before the expiry on 14-Feb. The officer rejected my request for 1 month extension while waiting for police clearance process from Malaysia. I begged for 2 weeks… 1 week… No! No! No! No more concession granted. I said I would pay for penalty. No! No! No! You must leave.

Frustrated! I had no plan to go home though 14-Feb-10 is the Chinese New Year because I plan to leave this project by end Apr-10. Furthermore time is too short for me to handover my works to someone else. Also I have to skip 6-7 basic French lessons which I’m enjoying a little lately.

Saturday, February 06, 2010


Goodness... just sense a hint of global economy recovery, and there comes the news of Europe countries - PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece and Spain) are bogging deeper into economy crisis due to spiraling debts. Governments are forced to slash their spending to help contain their annual budget deficit. The worsening situation might trigger greater recession in the region. The question of bailing out these countries would become desperate, would Germany or France able to help? Very very difficult… Very likely before this turmoil is settled, east Europe countries would follow the pave.

Would someone be dropped out from EU eventually? I think the pace of expanding EU zone is far too fast considering some poorer members are not ready to catch up the infrastructures needed to develop along with the western members.

Comparing to BRIC (Brasil, Russia, India and China) that group the strong growth countries, the name of PIIGS is humiliating.
Shit, EURO has dropped drastically recently. I have told all my friends to invest on US Dollar since months but I don’t have the saving to gamble on it.

Driving In Kigali

What a blessing… yesterday’s rain has swept away the heat that grilled Kigali in the past week. Somehow it caused traffic jams in the city for unknown reason. I had to detour and reached home ½ hr later for just a distance of 7km.

Though the traffic queue was long, but rarely some undisciplined drivers jumped the queue from the opposite lane. They deserved a credit!

Day before my car broke down in front of a restaurant, it was too heavy to push. It barely left enough space to let other car passing through. Eventually a gentleman assisted me to tow my car, but we blocked the road for a few minutes. A snobbish idiot blared its horn CONTINUOUSLY signaling us to give way. Axxhole!!!