Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Oral Surgical Plan

Had another sleepless night, the pain was torturing. I almost couldn’t recognize me in the mirror, the upper lip was heavily swollen (the moral of this case is that if I will ever consider performing plastic surgery, lips thickening definitely won’t make me looking good).

The very first thing done in this morning was to rush for x-ray screening, it shows serious infection on my front tooth where root canal was done 25 yrs ago, fractures and spots of pus were seen. The dentist extracted 5ml pus from the gum without anaesthetic - PAIN PAIN PAIN! The pulsing made me weak. He lays out an operation plan for me... quite simple - remove the 2 crowns of both front teeth (because the roots are broken), then root-canal 2 teeth on the left and right side respectively. ONLY 6 teeth are involved. It is hair pricking to hear this plan... cost around Euro 500. Well, money has to be paid anyway, but the procedure would take weeks... imagine the pain to suffer…

Based on the distinct smell, I judged the clinic was well disinfected. But I could see a layer of dust rest on the tray and dental chair. If this basic cleanliness is not taken care of, how could I expect the dentist would look into very fine details of his works?