Wednesday, November 29, 2006





Monday, November 27, 2006

辐射 / Radiation





The technology is progressing exponentially that we could hardly walk abreast with, every new inventory has a tendency to be smaller and wireless for convenience sake.

We are consistently exposed to the radiations in our living environment, for instance mobile phone, Bluetooth and thousands of unknown sources. There is no concrete study proving that excessive exposure of various radiations would have any physiological effects on the human brain or human body. These are not life-threatening problems but could cause a lot of discomfort in long run. Imagine if all radio waves are visible, the net must be so thick and vision impenetrable.

Research advised that constant exposure to the electro-magnetic field inducted by the high voltage transmission line is cancerogenic, therefore the living area should be distanced away.

Think about microwave oven operation principle. The object that absorbs radiation would be heated up, as stated in physics energy transformation theory. Beware of the mobile phone is cooking your brain for long tele-conversation, though the manufacturers claim the radiation risk is negligible.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

翻译 / Translation




It is inconveinient to work in the environment without lingua franca, I rely on my colleagues to help translating. Improper use of words might distort the idea of the topic, therefore the language ability of the translator is essential.

Oral translation is no easy task especially involving technical terms. Exact meaning must be translated promptly without imposing personal opinion, while filtering out the unnecessary emotions.

The expression of the translator helps us to define the emotion of the 3rd party. I have noticed recently some translations have been infused with personal opinion, a different image of the original story is depicted. I have to be prudent to judge accordingly.

语言 / Language



我对自己的语文能力有自知之明,不奢望达到native speakers 的水平。我在尝试提升自身的能力尤其是中文,毕竟这一方面我只受过六年小学教育。

Most of the educated people in Malaysia could handle 2 to 3 languages, due to the multi racial structure society and freedom to pursue knowledge from schools of different media, such policy is banned in Indonesia.

Our daily communication has turned out to be a hodgepodge of languages. It seems to be an interesting culture mutation, it is literacy disaster instead. People no longer speak genuine language but to adopt words from other languages or dialects to compensate the poor vocabularies.

I’m well aware of my weakness in language, never expect to be as good as native speakers. Am trying to improve in this aspect especially Chinese, after all I had only studied it during the primary 6 years.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

兑换率 / Exchange rate




The booming economy of Sudan is largely supported by petroleum industry. In year 2001, the exchange rate was USD1 = SDD255 (Sudanese Dinar). It remained relatively stable till I left Sudan in May-2005,

A few days ago, a Sudanese ex-colleague informed that the exchange rate recently has appreciated to SDD204, an incredible 20% hike within 18 months! This would create problems to foreign investors on the increasing local costs (labour, facilities etc).

Rumours said this exchange rate is going to be pushed up to SDD150 within short. I’m not an economist, but I could foresee lots of economy chaos will follow subsequently. Very likely this is another political ploy.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

海洋生物圈 / Marine Community






Imagine living in a complex marine society.

The dominant big white shark is getting greedier, bullish and stronger under the protective new marine policy, while the minors are only fed with dregs.

The meat chunk is cut into several pieces, the big white shark picks the largest pieces but claiming it should be distributed by quantity not by weight.

The smaller fishes question the justification of the policy, the big white shark swears to defend its privilege by all means.

No choice, the smaller fishes have to swim away from their territory to seek other opportunities. I’m lucky to find a coral reef, but for how long I would stay, I couldn’t tell.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

太空人(二) / Astronaut (2)




National Space Agency said the program was provided free of charge as part of an offset program for the purchase of defense deal from Russia worth US$900 million. There is no free lunch in this world, the cost for sure has been part of the package. This special gift definitely enlightens someone’s vanity.

The public has no choice but to accept the fact. Just when we expect the government would brainstorm creative scientific experiments to be conducted in the space station, among the unexpected proposals are playing traditional board games, traditional fabric printing and performing tea making under micro gravity environment. The very idea of these experiments is said to advertise Malaysian culture to the world.

I’m speechless!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

太空人(一) / Astronaut (1)




Malaysia will send its first astronaut into the space aboard a Russian rocket next year, as part of a six to eight day scientific mission on board the International Space Station. This space program is estimated to cost around US$25 million.

The government is very proud of this project, but sorry, I don’t feel single bit of excitement at all. There is no obvious technical benefit out of this luxurious flashy adventure for just 1 man. The truth is our government is squandering money of taxpayers. Their ignorant fantasy eclipsed the sense and reality. It does attract the attention from the world, but scornful. The same budget could have been allocated on more crucial and desperate aspects like medical infrastructure and education.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

贪腐指数 / Corruption Perceptions Index





Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) of year 2006 released by the Transparency International indicating the general corruption level of the 163 surveyed countries, generally linked to the politics, economy and social atmosphere respectively. The public would be induced to judge particular country accordingly.

Malaysian government is upset over the ranking has slid to 44th place from 39th last year. As expected, some politicians defy the credibility of the statistic, presenting numerous excuses to try pacifying the public emotion.

In fact, this survey is not an absolute measure of a country development. Why paying so much concern on the position like students comparing their academic results? Senseless! The ranking slide does not justify one country’s corruption is worsening, likely other countries have improved wisely in this respect. We should question how to improve ourselves instead. Unfortunately barking without practical effort is the strong point of many politicians, avoiding responsibility is their surviving skill.

No doubt, the lowest rank countries are among the well known poorest and political unstable countries. This does not imply the cleanest country has no corruption cases, but it was carried out more secretly, professionally, advance technically, and sometimes legally.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

例行公事 / Routine





One of the recent typhoons destroyed the crops of my colleague in Philippines, he lost some money.

I experienced the mighty typhoon in Philippines, unforgettable. On the day typhoon was approaching, the thunderous storm cut off power supply. I was guarding alone in the semi-brick house in the fishing village, felt the house quaking with fear. By 8pm, the typhoon roared with its maximum speed (180km/h). The raindrops coupled with tremendous force permeated through any tiny gap into the house, was worrying badly it would collapse. Was exhausted after struggling over the night, I laid asleep on the wet mattress.

The rain had ceased the next morning. The front and backyard were flooded, but the faeces from the neighbouring piggery were drifted to my backyard, disgusting! The whole village was a mess - electricity poles, nipa huts, trees and plants were destroyed, collapsed. The dead poultries scattered around.

Felt deeply sorry to the farmers for losing the crops, all efforts were in vain. The poor families who could barely feed themselves had to search around for materials to rebuild their huts, but unable to construct a sturdier shade. The typhoons visit yearly, it has become their yearly routine works.